Calculation of the size business and plafond monitoring of the State aid in the NATIONAL AID REGISTER (R.N.A)

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The service defines the features of the “group” to which, on the basis of Community definitions, the “single company” is attributable. This last aspect is relevant for the calculation of the size business and for the verification of the plafond available for each aid scheme (de minimis, T.F., ecc.).

This service is particularly useful for large groups in order to define its boundaries, using Community definitions, and to monitor the aid received by all the companies belonging to the “single company” to verify the compliance with the thresholds established by aid schemes (e.g. in application of the de minimis. A company cannot obtain more than € 200,000 in the three-year reference period: financial year in progress at the time of submission of the aid application and the two previous ones). When counting the aid, however, it will be necessary to count the aid of the applicant company and of all the others linked to it.

The service is therefore very valid to optimize the use of the benefits making possible, for example, to make apply company X for an ad instead of the company belonging to the group Y for strategic reasons. In addition, the exact picture of the situation will avoid exceeding the limits because, if for example, company X of the group presents a request that runs out of the plafond for the “single company” but the company Y connected to the latter, does not know about the request or to be linked to the other company, submits another one under other legislation, causing the overrun of the plafond and the impossibility to grant the contribution for the Managing Body of the application on which company X applied.

The service is also very useful for accountants who have to carry out the formalities of communication of the aid during the tax return.

The service involves sending a dossier with the following information:

  • calculation of the business size;
  • list of all the contributions recorded in the ANN for each company of the group (so-called “single company”);
  • list of aid in “de minimis regime” terms obtained by each company of the group (so-called “single company”) and the calculation of the ceiling available for the group;
  • list of aid in “Temporary Framework to deal with the epidemiological emergency Covid-19” obtained by each company of the group (so-called “single company”) and the calculation of the ceiling available for the group;
  • list of aid in the “Temporary Crisis Framework” to cope with the post-war emergency in Ukraine obtained by each company of the group (so-called “single company”);
  • list of the aid obtained by all the companies of the group under other regimes.


Immediately ask for the activation of the service by the expert consultants of Alba Partners srl.


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